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Our Story: Nad Nouisser part of the management team, President of the Culture of Health in Business Organization / CHBO, motivated and experienced in the health issues with enterprises. Nad, started his career as a Commercial Airplane Pilot who had a serious airplane crash occurred on duty due to an engine failure; during his stay in the Hospital, after many years, he later discovered that he learned a lot about the Culture of Health (and not HealthCare).

During his stay at the hospital (Edmonton & Calgary Canada) for more than a year, he lost his Commercial Pilot license due to health issues (accident), but despite health challenges, Nad officially regained his Commercial Pilot License on crutches (first of its kind in Canada). Undeniably, today, Nad declared "I am confident, that if my employer had integrated the pillars of health (not known at that time) in the business, I would not have had an airplane crash".

"One of the reasons why he survived the crash is due to the fact he did not panic while the airplane was gliding in silence before hitting the ground --is the continuous mandatory aviation training through Flight Simulators, preparing Pilots for such events. I feel ethically the same principle should be applied in Preventive Health; we need a Health “Simulator” to predict, prevent bad health and protect the human health condition.The Culture of Health in Business is the simulator of the “Economy of Health”".

Our Experience: Nad, also has 30 years of experience with corporations in Canada and overseas, with different managerial positions, in industries such as hospitality, travel & tourism, air charter company, aviation businesses, Information Technology, consumer magazines, Corporate/Government Fraud-Corruption Specialist, consumer products & services. Being, healthy conscious, is extremely important to Nad, particularly at work where he spent most of his day, like any other employee.

In addition to his rich experience and concern about Health in Enterprises, lately Nad completed Verified Certificates, to update & sustain his knowledge through a Non-Profit E-educational initiative by Harvard University and MIT… Among them Verified Certificates in:
“Improving Your Business Through a Culture of Health” (Business & Management) from Harvard University.
“Corporate Social Responsibility/CSR (Business & Management) from the University of Pennsylvania.
“Life with Diabetes” (Medicine) from Curtin University, Australia.
● A course in “Health & Society” from Harvard University.
“Marketing: Tools to Set Enterprises Apart” (Business & Management) from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
“PredictionX: Lost without Longitude” (historical synopsis on navigation with an approach on the Scientific Prediction, to navigate with stars…), from Harvard University.
”Ethical Leadership: Character, Civility, and Community” from Boston University.
"Introduction to Anti-Corruption" Certificate of Completion from the United Nations.
● ”Open Justice'': (Law) from New York University.
● “Cities & the Challenge of Sustainable Development” (Environmental Studies) SDG Academy for the United Nations.

Recently, Verified Certificates with the SDG Academy (Sustainable Development Goals Academy), the flagship education platform of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), a global initiative for the United Nations:
● “Sustainable Cities” (Environmental Studies) -- Just to name few...
For Nad it is a natural process to find himself leading a non-profit global establishment
--CHBO/Culture of Health in Business Organization.

Our Team:

- Selim Nouisser, initially Selim will have a multi-role in Finance and Public speaking. he is a talented young person; with experience in communities associations, public speaking, cryptocurrency investment and travel specialist --with consumers’ awareness/behavior in mind. Having studied two years in university, Selim is also completing a Verified Certificate in ”Financial Decision Rules for Project Evaluation” from the University of Michigan.

- Walid Nouisser --a motivated champion, had one year in University overseas, currently pursuing an online MicroMasters in Cybersecurity with Rochester Institute of Technology - New York and courses in Concordia University, and few other courses… with experience in customer services/relations with Amazon, credit & banking security/fraud-analyst, a multicultural background with an international approach, advisor in aviation communication, currently employed with a renowned Bank in Canada as an Senior Analyst; Walid will be in charge of the identification/research of qualified key personnel --leads generation of potential establishments based on specific criteria.

- Volunteers & Consultants: We are a non-profit organization, we help volunteers to learn about the “Culture of Health in Business” a new proven trend; and we often rely on our volunteers to achieve a part of our activitiess. They are mostly university’s students, they are qualified-valuable to us and contribute enormously to communities and to the country as a whole. Please “positive considerations”, when dealing with them.

Our Value Proposition:

CHBO Certifications are aligned with Climate Change goals, the UN Sustainable Development Goals & the Business industry expectations, our Conformity Assurance-Assessment and follow ups/metrics.
* A relatively new up-to-date sustainable approach improved by Harvard University and matured by CHBO, a proven trend positively impacting the SocioEconomic Status (SES) in businesses of all types & sizes.
* If the business does not have a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program, we will help them implement the Culture of Health in their Business..
* If the business has already a CSR, a sustainability program, or a foundation... we will help them to re-organize their programs under -one easy umbrella of the Culture of Health in Business, without changing any existing plans...

Fact: Any existing program will fall under the umbrella and lead to the Culture of Health in Business. All Businesses are in the Business of Health.